Free strength training program for trail runners, ultra runners, and mountain athletes.
Get strong, improve your performance, and learn how to train smart.
A structured, periodized, scientific, and educational exercise training program with workouts for building strength and power.
For trail runners, ultra runners, and mountain runners.
Informed by experimental and empirical evidence.
Designed by me, Thomas Solomon: a PhD scientist, an ACSM-certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EP) & Personal Trainer (ACSM-PT), and a UKVRN-registered nutritionist (RNutr).


Golden rules for strength training success.
Because running is your priority, throwing strength workouts on top of your existing training can be complicated. To learn how to strength train and maximise your success, use this framework: 

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Strength workout videos for trail runners.
(clickable links to instructional videos)
Bodyweight circuit exercises for trail runners, mountain runners, and ultra runners:
Squat → Bench dip → Single-legged deadlift (RDL) → Incline push-up → Forward lunge (alternating legs) → Alternating bird dog → Lying knee raise → Glute bridge → Standing calf raise → Hip adduction → Plank.
Mountain goat exercises for trail runners, mountain runners, and ultra runners:
Weight lifting strength exercises for trail runners, mountain runners, and ultra runners:
SUPERSET 1: Squat and Overhead press (OHP).
SUPERSET 2: Deadlift (barbell) and Bench press.
SUPERSET 3: Forward lunge (dumbells) and Lat pull-down.
SUPERSET 4: Standing calf raise and Alternating bird dog.
SUPERSET 5: Leg raise (hip flexion) and Hip adduction.
SUPERSET 6: Plank and Hip abduction.
SUPERSET 2: Deadlift (barbell) and Bench press.
SUPERSET 3: Forward lunge (dumbells) and Lat pull-down.
SUPERSET 4: Standing calf raise and Alternating bird dog.
SUPERSET 5: Leg raise (hip flexion) and Hip adduction.
SUPERSET 6: Plank and Hip abduction.

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Warm-up and cool-down for strength sessions.
(clickable links to videos)
WARM-UP for strength training

Complete 10-reps of each exercise at a low-intensity (RPE 2/10), and move on to the next exercise.
Rocking frog ¦ Lying hip adduction ¦ Lying hip internal rotation ¦ Lying hip external rotation ¦ Walking knee hugs ¦ Walking ankle grabs ¦ Walking squats ¦ Resistance band shoulder rotations ¦ Resistance band pull-aparts ¦ Scapular pull-ups

2-mins Super Easy (RPE 2/10)
2-mins Easy (RPE 4/10)
2-min progression up to Threshold (RPE 8/10).
Warm-up complete. You are ready to rock!
COOL-DOWN for strength training

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