Education for runners and endurance athletes. Learn to train smart, run fast, and be strong.

The running science nerd alert
from Thomas Solomon PhDwith contributions from Matt Laye PhD.
For scientists, clinicians, coaches, students, and athletes.
A monthly evidence analysis journal club that helps filter the signal from the noise.
Educational and understandable.
Educational and understandable.
Every day is a school day.
Learn how to train smart, run fast, and be strong.
Think critically. Be informed. Stay educated.
Each month I (and occasionally my friend Matt Laye) compile a short list of recently published journal articles that have caught my eye in the world of running science. I then break them into bite-sized chunks so you can digest them as food for thought to help optimise your training.
The topics include training methods, sports nutrition, supplements, recovery, athlete health, injuries, female athlete physiology and more. And, to help wash it all down and get your snifter fix, I even review my favourite beer of the month and assign it a non-validated RP(be)E(r) score — aka, a Rating of Perceived beer Enjoyment... So, come get nerdy!
The topics include training methods, sports nutrition, supplements, recovery, athlete health, injuries, female athlete physiology and more. And, to help wash it all down and get your snifter fix, I even review my favourite beer of the month and assign it a non-validated RP(be)E(r) score — aka, a Rating of Perceived beer Enjoyment... So, come get nerdy!
Think critically. Keep informed. Stay educated.
To help empower yourself to train smart, join the 100s of other people who subscribe to my free educational content and receive free summaries of the latest evidence in exercise and nutrition science:
I will not bombard your inbox with product offers and pointless messages — I hate spam as much as you do! Subscribing to my mailing list gives you first access to my articles and nerd alert summaries of the latest in running-related exercise and nutrition science. The content is free and designed to help you train smart.
About the authors:
Thomas and Matt are both passionate about making science accessible and helping folks meet their fitness and performance goals. They both have PhDs in exercise science, are widely published, have had their own athletic careers, and have both been performance coaches and science writers alongside their day jobs. Originally from different sides of the Atlantic, their paths first crossed in Copenhagen in 2010 as research scientists at the Centre for Inflammation and Metabolism at Rigshospitalet (Copenhagen University Hospital). After discussing lots of science, spending many a mile pounding the trails, and frequent microbrew pub drinking sessions, they became firm friends. Thomas even got a buy one get one free deal out of the friendship, marrying one of Matt's best friends from home after a chance encounter during a training weekend in Schwartzwald. Although they are once again separated by the Atlantic, Thomas and Matt meet up about once a year and have weekly video chats about science, running, and beer. This "nerd alert" was created as an outlet for some of the
Copyright © Thomas Solomon. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: We occasionally mention brands and products but it is important to know that we are not sponsored by or receiving advertisement royalties from anyone. We have conducted biomedical research for which we have received research money from publicly-funded national research councils and medical charities, and also from private companies. We have also advised private companies on their product developments. These companies had no control over the research design, data analysis, or publication outcomes of our work. Any recommendations we make are, and always will be, based on our own views and opinions shaped by the evidence available. The information we provide is not medical advice. Before making any changes to your habits of daily living based on any information we provide, always ensure it is safe for you to do so and consult your doctor if you are unsure.